Sunday 20 September 2009

The son of a craftsman who worked with wood noticed a beautiful piece of rosewood in his fathers workshop which had numerous nails hammered into it.

‘Why does that lovely wood have all those nails in it dad? He asked

The father replied ‘Every nail represents a time when you have hurt or disrespected me.’

The boy was distressed by this and thought for a while.

‘I’m so sorry dad, I will changed and every time I do something nice for you, will you please remove a nail?’

‘Of course I will son, that would please me a great deal’.

After several months, the wood was free of nails and the boy felt very pleased with himself.

‘Look dad, the wood is free of all those ugly nails at last.’

‘Yes’ said his dad ‘But the holes are still there!.

THINK before saying something you may regret, words can hurt deeply and for ever.